Testosterone is the numero uno hormone in a mans body. It stands to reason that you want to honor it and do everything in your power to keep it flowing at full capacity.
You may not be able to stop the aging process, but you sure as heck can eat right to stop your testosterone levels taking a slump in the process.
This dish is one delicious way to do just that!
You’ll need the following:
- 3 Eggs
- 1 cup Shredded sweet potatoes
- 1 Finely chopped small red onion
- 5 Chopped asparagus spears
- 1 cup Diced cauliflower
- 3 Leaves of finely chopped swiss chard
- ¼ cup of Pine nuts
- Coconut oil
- Salt
- Pepper
- Add 1 tbsp of coconut oil to a skillet and place on the stovetop. Turn the heat up to medium and let the oil melt.
- Add the sweet potatoes, onion, asparagus and cauliflower. Saute until lightly browned.
- Add the eggs, pine nuts and chard and continue to saute.
- Once the mixture has reached an even consistency and is browned, remove from the heat and sprinkle some salt and pepper over the top. And you’re done.
Tips and Considerations

If you only have yams at your disposal, they’ll work just as well.
The amount of ingredients listed here is for one, hearty portion. Simply double or triple the contents if you’re preparing this for more than one person.

OK, here’s where the money comes to the table. Cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower and chard cause estradiol levels to fall and testosterone levels to rise. That’s perk number one of this dish.
Cruciferous vegetables also help prevent cancer and are high in fiber. Eggs are complete proteins and they also have a t-boosting effect. All of the vegetables combined gives this dish an added boost in fiber and antioxidants.
Overall, you have a balanced meal that’s high in protein, healthy fat and complex carbs. This would be good to eat any time of day, and with the exception of some slicing and dicing, it doesn’t take too much effort to prepare.
Final Words of Wisdom You’ve got the recipe, now it’s up to you. Go out there and prepare it. Add it into your weekly menu plan. But also be sure to optimize what you’re doing by hitting the gym regularly.
The idea is to build muscle remember! Simply eating well just won’t cut it. You still need to move some iron around, and do it with good form too!